Monday, April 19, 2010

A little of late

I'm camping out.
On Facebook. Waiting for someone to say something interesting for me to comment on. But apparently my friends actually have lives, so they're not updating their status as quickly as I'd like.
Maybe I should switch to Twitter.
I looked at my last blog post. . . the one where I freaked out a little, feeling crushed by the weight of the world. As it turned out, I think it was just the weight of my thoughts. Which feels like the world sometimes.
So many cool things have happened lately, and to utilize the word "cool" to describe them really doesn't do them justice. . . but it kind of goes with this "hippy vibe" I've been feeling lately. My days, as packed full as they are, have been quite relaxing. I've been painting a mural at my church, for their new Children's wing.
It's kind of interesting, how things seemed to have turned around so fast for me. One day, I was still kind of lost in a mood of "Pity me and my horrible life" and the next, I feel like I'm looking at the world with brand new eyes.
How could things be any more beautiful than they are now?
I have, quite possibly, the best roommates I could ever hope for. I love them both very much. They are like the family I've always needed, but never really had. Even if April doesn't always wipe up the counter after making her lunch or if Megan leaves her flip flops in the middle of the floor for me to trip on. . . I love that about them. It's quirky and imperfect and I love it. I've never been so happy to take out the trash or clean someone else's dishes before.
And I have more friends than I can count. Ones that actually DO love me and care about my mental health. Friends that give rather than take all the time. Friends that have become that "Healing Ointment" that the bible always mentions. I always wondered what God meant by that when He put it in there. Now I know. I can feel the terrible wounds of the past melting away as the antibiotic of Love is applied to my life. Sure, scars remain, but they aren't as noticeable anymore.
I have been given so much. God has poured out blessing upon blessing upon blessing on my life. So undeserved, but so welcome. I'm no longer concerned about money, because I somehow keep making it, even without a full time job. People have looked into my life and see something they want to stand behind, and so they give to my mission trip. I always wondered what it would be like if I really let Jesus abide in me. I think I'm starting to learn what that finally means. I have nearly nothing, and yet I have everything. This is the contradiction of the gospel, lose the world, and gain your soul.
I'm so glad to finally have found mine. The mirror has never been so inviting before. I have never been able to look at myself and say, "I love that person who is staring back at me." And now, I look at my reflection and say, "I have no idea who you are, but you are lovely."
I like to think that I am seeing Jesus. He looks nothing like me. For that, I am so glad.
I still wonder about the next year, and what it will bring. I am nervous, scared, excited, and torn. I don't want to leave my new loves. I still feel inadequate. I'm kind of terrified of seeing God. He is not a tame lion, after all.
I think that this year to come is something I can say that I've been waiting my whole life for. I've seen it coming, far off in the distance, but I never knew what it was before. Now that I can see that edge of the cliff, and it's time to jump off. My only question is, head first, or feet first?

Thursday, April 1, 2010


On the eve of Jesus' crucifixion, He went to the garden to pray.

"Gethsemane" literally means, "Oil Press."

It is no irony that I find myself here in this place.

I had an amazing day, and all of a sudden, the pressure set in. I have started to panic.

I began to imagine, if I were to die tomorrow, what would I leave undone? What would I leave unsaid? I'm probably not going to die tomorrow, but I can't tell the future. Who knows?

Jesus did. He knew what He was about to face. He knew all of the things He was about to leave behind. He had clarity of thought about what He had accomplished, because He did everything RIGHT.

And still, he panicked. The thought of the sinless becoming the sin, I believe, would be enough to make anyone panic.

I began to think, as I lay in bed tonight, of all of the things I wish I had said. All of the things I wish I had done. My life is still ahead of me. . . but is it?

So I vow to leave nothing undone, no shred of regret in my life. When I pass on, I refuse to look at my life and say, "I wish I would have. . ." but instead, I want to hear those words: "Well done, good and faithful servant." I want to be able to shout, like Jesus did; "IT IS FINISHED!"

And so I shall start, in no particular order. If I were to die tonight, these are the things that are rattling around in my head, that I want you to know.

Anna: What can I say but, I love you? I am so very grateful to God that He has allowed you in my life. You're still my hero. I can only hope to live up to a mere shadow of the reward that awaits you in heaven.

Jeanette: You really are my Prodigy. I see so much potential in you. I want you to be the leader I can look at and say: "I knew her when."

Abriel: My little sis. I hope that you grow into what I know God has in store for you. Please don't let your life be ruled by the fear of "what if's" but rather let it be ruled by the strength of "Why nots?"

Emily: I don't know why we go through these seasons and cycles. I pray that God heals you in the way I know only He can.

Amber: I've said this before, and I'll say it again. . . you have been that healing ointment that God talks about. Thank you for dressing my wounds.

April: Thank you for the peace of mind. That is worth SO much more than I can afford.

Chris: I don't even know where to start, except I can see how God has somehow turned you into an amazing man apart from Me. For that alone, I would believe in Him.

Nick: I love you so much. I wish we were closer. I'm sorry I missed out on so much of your life. Please know, it wasn't because I didn't love you.

Mom and Dad: I'm sorry things never seemed to work out.

The rest of my Family: I wish I knew how to tell you who I really was. The pressure of being the oldest kid was hard sometimes, but somehow I think it has made me better.

Shannon: I can't say anything but I'm sorry. I wish I knew how to say more.

Karen: I wish we lived closer. You have a beautiful soul, and it is worth so much more than I sometimes feel like you let yourself believe.

Megan: My newest best friend. How could I not say I love you? Thank you for being safe. Thank you for being me.

Jessie Pinder: I love you. You're beautiful and worthy of Love.

Jessica Ferrari: I just love to hug you. I know we're kindred spirits… I just don't know how.

Randall and Arinee: Thanks so much for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. I owe a lot of my confidence to you.

My Wednesday night Girls: Your prayers and your support have been instrumental in my life. I love you!

Proskyneo: Thank you for being my muse. I've never felt so good to be an artist before.

Gina Woods: Thank you for making this mediocre high school grad feel like I have a Doctorate.

Laura Kroner: I think you may be the closest thing I have as a role model or mentor. I'm so happy for that.

Elena: Forever Friends. What more can I say? I'm sorry I had to hurt you to love you better. Thank you for saying "no."

CK: I miss you much. You still inspire me to be better than I was. I'm grateful for the year we had together. Roomies forever!

World Race "O"mega Squad: I haven't met you yet, and already, I feel so challenged, inspired, loved, and appreciated by you. I am scared out of my mind for next year, but I'm glad that I'll have you all to experience that with. Thank you for everything that I don't even know about yet.

Jesus: Oh my Lord. You have given me all of these people, and so many more. I love and cherish these friendships, and I pray that the truth I have spoken here on the internet lets others know how amazing these people are and how they have been so instrumental in bringing me to where I am today. I'm sorry for the times I've hurt them, and I'm so grateful for the times I've been able to love them. Please, let me remember these people when I'm gone next year, and let them remember me in prayer. I'm going to miss them all so much that it hurts. The reality is setting in, and I'm terrified… but I know that you have not given me a spirit of fear, so let me be strong in you Lord.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

The ministry of freedom

Is it me, or does that title sound like something from a Harry Potter Novel? (I guess it makes me think of the Ministry of Magic. . .)

But I digress.

I have always been a warrior.

For as long as I can remember, actually, and I can remember pretty far back. I was never your typical girl. I played with He-Man instead of Barbie dolls. I was the first one in any gathering of kids who would pick up a stick and pretend it was a sword. I preferred little plastic shields to security blankets. I took dance for about five years, (only so I could get a trophy on stage at the recital) and when that was over, I promptly told my parents: "I'd like to be in Karate."

There is this innate desire to fight inside me. I loved watching movies about war and violence compared to Disney's little princess epics. I played many video games where I could be the Hero who saves the day. I think that even when I was a little kid in grade school, there was something inside me that echoed the words: Fight. I'm beginning to wonder if my misplaced sense of battle led to me being the childhood bully. Justice was always sought out promptly. When someone would hurt me or my friends, or break the rules, I'd swiftly doll out justice as only a little kid can, by shoving the evil doer over into the sand box.

The fact that I was a girl never even crossed my mind.

I've always been tough, physically. Mentally, well, that's a different story, but even when I would feel the pressure of injustice in my life, whether it was against me or others, I could easily sink into the recesses of my mind, where I was the hero and where nobody could touch me. I have written so many fabulous stories upon the pages of my brain because I would spend so much time in another world.

Saving the day.

It used to always cross my mind, this idea of how abnormal I may be. I would look around and see other girls my age, interested in so many (what I thought were) frivolous things. Makeup? Hair? Boys? (well, I was interested in boys, but not the same way they were.) Those things slipped past my curiosity as I was consumed with sketching out Wolverine Comics or making up fantastically heroic tales where knights murdered dragons. (but not all dragons, some dragons were good.)

And there was that word, the splinter in my mind: Fight. Fight. Fight.

Is that normal for a girl?

Adolescence was a battlefield for me. I struggled every day to gain love, acceptance, and understanding from those around me, not limited to my friends, and especially from my parents. I just don't think anyone really knew what to do with me. I didn't know what to do with myself, really. I even left Karate for awhile, because I had burnt myself out, but it was less than a year before I was back in the dojo again. I just had to fight something. Even as a Christian, I felt myself in a war against my flesh and my spirit. Oh so many times, have I let my flesh win? They are far too numerous to count. It just seemed to be the theme of my life. I remember the first real bible study I ever went to, and as the icebreaker they went around the room and asked us: "If you could describe your life in one word, what would it be?" Do you know what my word was?


The room was kind of silent for a moment, and I recall feeling so out of place.

"Do you mean, like a world war?" The moderator asked, "Or. . ."

I could see he was struggling, so I decided to salvage him and clarify. "You know that scene, at the end of the Lord of The Rings movie, where there are the forces of darkness as far as the eye can see, and you look over to the side of good, and there's like, a handful of people?"

He responded he had.

"Like that. My life is a war like that." (Fortunately, I found out later that he really liked movies like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, so we became friends.)

But really, who thinks that way?

For awhile, I had struggled with that part of me. I of course continued to draw my warriors, with their weapons, and their enemies, as fierce and as terrifying as I could possibly make them. I found it really gave me a connection to those wonderful boys in Bolivia. . . as they loved to look at my pictures wide eyed. "Suave, Tia, Me gusta mucho." they would tell me. (Which translates, "this is cool, I like this one.")

One day, as I was sharing my artwork at the orphanage and before I could understand any Spanish, the Orphanage Director's wife was looking at my artwork and said something.

I don't recall who translated it for me, but she had said: "You have a ministry of Freedom."

"What?" I remember thinking, and I must have voiced that out loud, because apparently she explained. Something about how I was always drawing battle, or warriors, or things fighting other things. It meant (to her at least,) that I had a ministry of freedom.

I didn't chew on that very long, because though I wondered what it meant, I didn't understand how to translate THAT into my life.

"So I have a ministry of freedom. That's great. What am I supposed to do with THAT? Join the army?" Those were some of my serious thoughts as I attempted to comprehend what truth this woman of God was attempting to speak into my life.

So I packed it away when I packed my suitcase and I left it there for awhile.

I mean, it makes total sense, really. Of course I have a Ministry of Freedom. Of course I want to fight and prevail. Of course I want to "free" something, to "bring justice" to the wicked. But how does one go about that in modern day 2oth century North American culture?

I had no idea.

Until this Thursday.

I have been leading a book study (on the book Boundaries) with a handful of other girls. Every Thursday we get together and do the cliché, sit around a Starbucks and air our dirty laundry under a Christian pre-tense. It has been a glorious thing really, but something happened this Thursday that brought a new found clarity to my "Ministry."

We were all sharing about the crap we've been through in our lives, whether it was a relationship that ended poorly, or choices we've made that shouldn't have been made, or even admitting that we feel unloved.

And it hit me, as these lovely, beautiful, talented women were sharing, that nearly EVERYTHING they have experienced, I have too, in some form or another. We've ALL been struggling. We've all been fighting.

We've all been waging a war.

And I think I've been on the front line.

I got this beautiful image in my head, of me standing there, sword in hand, eyes set upon the horizon. Waiting for the enemy to advance. For once, I realized, this is exactly where I was meant to be.

I could see the others behind me, reluctant, but ready for battle, ready to take on the demons in their lives that told them they weren't beautiful, told them they weren't worth fighting for. And as I stood there, fearless, I watched as one of them stepped forward, slowly, admitting that they were terrified, but they were willing to fight too.

And the others fell in line.

I witnessed these women, willing to fight for themselves. They were free from the fear of the horde. They sensed that freedom was just on the other side of the battlefield, and they were ready to fight.

That's when those words, the "Ministry of Freedom" rang through my head. This is what she was talking about. I had been called to fight, not just to fight but to prevail. And when I have overcome, I am to fight for the others who aren't strong enough to fight for themselves, until they too can stand upon their feet, and pull their friends along beside them.

This is what this means. I have never felt so fulfilled in all of my life before. I am watching my beloved friends become warriors, and I am loving every moment of it.

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Holy Reservation

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from Chick-Fil-A about a new "Spicy Chicken Sandwich" and how you needed to print out the email to reserve one of these delectable delights for your very own.

I didn't think much about it. After all, I've sort of had my fill of Chick-Fil-A because of the recent spirit nights, random drive through runs with my roommate Megan, and having to pick up a fireplace (long Story)

So needless to say, I didn't reserve my Spicy Chicken Sandwich, despite my love for those Cows with poor grammar and my affinity for all things spicy.

So today, I was supposed to get off of work early. I didn't, at least, not as early as I would have liked. I left early enough, however, to be able to drive ALL THE WAY OUT WEST to the mall where I had hosted one of my spirit nights two weeks ago. I rarely have ANY extra time nowadays, with all the working and fundraising and socializing I've been putting into my schedule.

Lately, I've decided that while I'm in the car, I'm going to either leave the radio off, or listen to music that I find "worshipful" or "uplifting." Today was a no music day. I try to "Pray" when the music is off, because I've found with all my extra "socializing", that I seem to have a TON of new friends, all with their own problems, issues, and what not.

How many people have I told that I would pray for them? How many of those prayers go unsaid because I forget? Feeling very convicted, I prayed all the way to Chick-Fil-A, (which is a 30 minute drive both ways) and realized that most of my prayers go something like this:

"Lord please be with So and so's uncle who is still in rehab. Please be with my Godson Lider, and all of the other boys in the orphanage. Remember my friend, who is struggling to understand what it means to have faith in you. . ."

And the list goes on. I never really know what God thinks of those two second prayers. I mean, what else am I supposed to say to Him that He doesn't ALREADY know?

As I arrive at Chick-Fil-A, I go up to the counter, expecting it to be busy because today is the day where all those people who DID reserve their "Spicy Chicken Sandwich" finally get to tantalize their taste buds. Surprisingly, there wasn't much of a crowd. So I wait in line patiently, and lo and behold, one of the kids (Katie) who I work with in youth group appears from behind the counter.

Katie, and her twin sister Hannah, work at this Chick-Fil-A part time. "Have you tried the new chicken spicy chicken sandwich?" Katie asks.

"No," I reply.

"Well it's gross. It's really spicy. Remember how they had that 'Spiciest Hot Sauce on the Planet' stuff at youth group a couple of weeks ago? And how all the boys that tried it were crying and throwing up? That's how spicy it is."

That comment makes me smile. Katie has a tendency to exaggerate. "I doubt it's that spicy," I say. However, I'm fully intrigued, because I really want to know how spicy it really is, however I watch as another customer tries to order the sandwich, and the Chick-Fil-A associate politely tells her that "We're not actually SELLING it yet. We only have enough for the people who 'RESERVED' one. Seeing as how my stomach was still full from a four seasons lunch, I wasn't all that interested anyway.

"I'm sure I'll try it in the future," I wonder aloud to Katie, who is walking up to her sister and her mom, who's there to pick them up from work.

Turns out, her mom was chatting with the Marketing Director, Angela, whom I've only spoken with on the phone. Angela was the nice woman who set up my Spirit night, so it was actually nice to put a name to a face.

We chatted for awhile, about things I certainly can't remember, though I do recall telling her about how amazing my life is. "I get to paint, play with children, and do missions. My life is fantastic." As we're talking, up walks Angela's husband, (to my shame I can't remember his name.. I think I'll call him Ray) who is holding his very own Spicy Chicken Sandwich.

After introductions, Angela quickly switches topics: "Oh Kirsten! Have you tried our new Spicy Chicken Sandwich??"

Are you kidding? "No, I haven't actually. I didn't reserve one. . ." I kind of mumble, chuckling to myself. I'm slowly convincing myself that all the hype around this sandwich is going to cause it to fall flat on its face.

"You have to try one!" she continues. "Go up to the counter and just ask for one! Or better yet, HERE. . ." she says as she takes the sandwich out of her husband's hands and thrusts it into mine.

I try to refuse. "Well, actually, I don't want to take his sandwich," (to which she answers, "He'll get another!") and "But I just ate. . ." and that's the truth. "Besides, I just started a diet with my roommates and I know they'll be upset if I sneak a sandwich. . . ."

At that point, I think I had given up and reluctantly took the sandwich I didn't really want. Simply because of the calories, and I knew I wouldn't be able to resist eating it. . . it just smelled so good.

After a few more kind words, I tote the warm sandwich, fresh in wrapper and place it next to the OTHER leftovers I had from lunch at the hotel (where I work.)

I begin driving home, and I resume my prayers. "Dear Lord, please remember my brothers. . . oh I don't even know what to say anymore." And I start over with all of the people I had promised to pray for.

Then something happened. I got really tired of praying for people. There are just so many! I began to get a little frustrated. . . my prayers became more desperate. "God, how can I possibly remember to pray for all of these people? I don't understand how I'm supposed to keep up. . . I don't understand how YOU can keep up!"

I think, what happened, is that somewhere along the highway lines I started praying for real. God began to show me my weaknesses, and began to reveal a fraction of the Love that He has for others. Somehow, he keeps us all in His hands, our lives, the lives of the people in the cars next to us. I begin to think about the severity of my sin, and I begin to thank God for choosing someone like me. I am so surrounded by His love. He gave me a freaking Spicy Chicken Sandwich. God cares enough about me to bless me with little notes of affection, things I enjoy, because He somehow finds joy in ME.

Who am I to stand in that knowledge? Who am I to stand in His stead, and preach His suffering and His salvation? Do I have the courage to take up that suffering? Do I REALLY want what I SAY I want?

And then a stark reality hit me. One of my newest and dearest friends and I had a conversation a couple of nights ago about JUST HOW SERIOUS the bible should be taken. If it REALLY is the Word of God, then SHOULDN'T we be doing what it says?? Why AREN'T we praying for the sick and then they are miraculously healed? Why AREN'T we loving our neighbor as ourselves? Why AREN'T we casting out demons?

I didn't really have an answer for her then. I think I might now. Because she's right. Why aren't we taking this Gospel, this Good news, as SERIOUS as it should be taken? We have the answer to LIFE, not just in the reality of hell, but LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY, HERE on earth! There is a better way! Why aren't we taking hold of that and PREACHING it like there is no tomorrow? Because for some of us, there really IS NO tomorrow??

Tears began to stream from my eyes as my prayers turned into, "Dear Jesus, I love you. Please, I WANT this to be real, I don't want this to be something I just talk about. I want to know you better, I want to fast, I want to read my bible. I want to love others as YOU have loved them!! Please, make this real!"

My answer didn't come audibly, for once. Rather, it came in the form of a man on the side of the road. He had a bright yellow shirt, and was sitting on a five gallon bucket with a HUGE white sign that simply said: HUNGRY

I instantly pulled over (after a few u-turns, as I had seen him after I had already driven past) and I opened my window. Trying to keep my composure, I asked him: "How hungry are you?"

"What?" he replied.

I picked up my leftovers first to show him, and he rushed over to my car. Then I looked down at my warm, Spicy Chicken Sandwich. "What is your name?" I asked him.


"Do you like spicy food, Pablo?"


"Well I have one of these new Spicy Chicken Sandwiches from Chick-Fil-A. Would you like that?"

"Yes! God bless you!"

"Do you want this too?" I held up my turkey wrap (which looks really healthy)

"Uh, no. You can keep that."

"God Bless you, Pablo."

He waved, and I was off.

My prayers turned into: "Dear Lord, please be with Pablo. Let him. . . oh I don't know. I don't know what he needs. But You do."

I didn't ever make a reservation for one of those stupid sandwiches. But apparently, Pablo had. I just didn't know it. I continued on to home, asking God to forgive a wretched soul like me, and thanking Him for doing so. I love God. To love someone is to obey them when they ask something of you. Why shouldn't I give the world up? It's so small compared to what I have already been given.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Dichotomy Of Self

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. I have been told I needed to write more by multiple people, and I always wonder what it is they really want to hear from me.
I've been overwhelmed with so many blessings, while at the same time, I seem to be struggling with the overwhelming of my spirit as well.
I don't know what bodes so ill for me, as I can look at my life now and finally see myself in the mirror, as opposed to the wretched sinner I once was. I can truly like the person I see, and yet, I know the flesh awaits in the corner, ready to pounce.
I believe it all started with the youth camping trip, as it was the first night I got to use the tent my parents bought me. An amazing, expensive tent, with which I find no joy because I feel like my parents purchased it for me out of guilt. . . and so I wonder how many times this next year I will stare at the mustard yellow interior of that ripstop wall and hate myself for manipulating my mom and dad into purchasing this for me.
That, coupled with no sleep on a cold (nay, FREEZING) ground and muffled country music made me realize at 4am, that I will be doing this for 11 MONTHS. I can't sleep for ONE NIGHT, and I want to do this for 11 MONTHS? Falling into temptation, I realize that I can't even muster the self control I pretended to have for so many months.
Going home, looking at other World Racer photos with my new roommate, made me realize I was going to be leaving these new (and amazing) friendships behind.
Are you kidding me, God? I FINALLY feel healthy enough to actually have REAL friendships, based on Your love instead of co-dependency? And I have to leave them all behind for a YEAR?
Who are these people that continue to sing MY praises? Don't they know who YOU are?
And today. . . after all the terrible dreams I can't suddenly seem to ignore, I watch as a man crashes on his bike in the middle of a busy intersection. He isn't moving, his head is cut and the parched concrete seems to vomit this man's life blood all over the ground.
And people just drive on by. . .
What is this life You have given me, Lord? Just a year ago, I remember crying out to You, telling you I can't, and You repeating, "I can do all things through Christ." A simple and strange Dichotomy, my life has become. I can see the Spirit move and the Flesh cower. I feel my sinful nature revolt against my soul and the war has become clearer than ever, but NEVER have the stakes seemed so high.
How I revel in my Health but how I long to return to the strange satisfaction of my shame.
Oh my Lord, please remind me that all of my hope is in you. I thirst for you, as the humility I have swallowed is as dry as the sand. Satisfy me, dear Jesus. May you be all that I need. May you shine brighter than I can ever hope to, regardless of how many matches I burn my fingers on.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My World Race Video

"I'm on a race!"
Movie? (rat race...)

anyway. Here is my promo video I made for my race. :)

Kirsten George World Race 2010 from kirsten george on Vimeo.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Godquest Synopsis

I entered a contest on, which basically involves me pitching my story idea. The grand prize is a chance to talk to New York Times Bestseller Steve Alten (who wrote the book Meg and Goliath) for 30 minutes.

Second place is $200. I'd definitely settle for second.

So I am posting this here as sort of a copyright "backup plan." If someone decides to "steal my idea," besides kill them, I'm going to sue the pants off of them. I understand that may not be the best Christian perspective... but.. i'm just trying to protect myself. Meanwhile, tell me what you think!! :)

Godquest Synopsis:

Logline: Nathaniel, a devout monk of the world’s only religion, finds himself in danger of doubting his faith when his brethren turn on him, revealing a plot to subdue the world with a self fulfilling prophecy. . . . .but how do you fight an empire whose biggest pawn is a god?

Synopsis: In a war torn world where religion is law and faith is magical, a young religious ambassador named Nathaniel discovers his worst enemy may very well be his own righteousness. Suffering from re-occurring nightmares, Nathaniel quickly realizes his fears when he discovers his mentor, High Priest Trent, worshipping the very creature that plagues his dreams.

Trent quickly captures Nathaniel and has him beaten within inches of his life, and throws him out into the blizzard to die. Hallucinating, Nathaniel imagines a dark future ruled by the Religion of the Morning Star, and its dark god, a powerful, malevolent creature known only as The Unseen. As his life slowly ebbs away, Nathaniel sees four warriors, beings clothed in light, who rise to challenge the religious empire and its deity-like emperor.

Nathaniel is rescued from death, and quickly begins to search for answers and hope. As a former Ambassador, he is able to make a connection with the King of B’Ron. Unfortunately, the kingdom is on the brink of war as the princess has been kidnapped by a neighboring kingdom, and the land is on the verge of war. The king will hear nothing of Nathaniel’s plight until his daughter is safe. Desperate, Nathaniel and the Prince of B’Ron, Killian, hatch a plot to rescue the princess. Prince Killian pressures Nathaniel to lie about having discovered the IL’ Luminae, or ancient Warriors of Light, the very beings of Nathaniel had a vision of earlier.

Uncertain of how else to proceed, Nathaniel agrees to the ruse, and finds the first four able bodied people he can find to portray as heroes. Leo, an arrogant disgraced swordsman, his friend Kal who specializes in hand to hand combat and bad jokes, Lann, a self righteous healer with a habit of martyrdom, and her “brother” Slik, who appears to be treading the threshold of death’s door, agree to help Nathaniel, each with their own agenda. Leo and Kal simply want to get paid, while Lann knows it is the right thing to do. Slik simply doesn’t seem to care either way.

The situation intensifies, as the four warriors succeed in their task, above and beyond, and are instantly recruited by the King of B’Ron for more work, to Nathaniel’s dismay, as he intended the lie to end with the rescue of the princess, but when the Empire gets wind of the rumors of the IL’ Luminae, all of the forces of darkness rise up to confront this threat, and the four warriors have no idea, nor are they prepared for what awaits them.

Nathaniel then must make a decision; to turn himself in to the Religion that wants him dead, saving the lives of four innocent people, or pray to a God he’s not sure exists for their protection while he attempts to find a way to stop the Empire.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel’s sanity seems to be slipping through his fingers. . . as a small voice in his mind keeps chipping away at his resolve. . . and threatening the very peace he’s fought so hard for.